Friday, December 6, 2019

Does coffee raise blood sugar?

10 Surprising Causes of Blood Sugar Swings You Probably Didn’t Know

  • 1 / 11   What Causes Blood Sugar to Rise and Fall?

    What Causes Blood Sugar to Rise and Fall?
    Whether you were recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or have been living with the disease for several years, you know how fickle blood sugar levels can be, and how important it is that they stay controlled.
    Proper blood sugar control is key for helping ward off potential diabetes complications, such as kidney disease, nerve damage, vision problems, stroke, and heart disease, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). If you keep your levels in check on a daily basis, it will help you stay energized, focused, and in a good mood. You’ll know if your diabetes is poorly controlled if you experience symptoms such as frequent urination, sores that won’t heal, blurred vision, and unexplained weight loss.
    According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), proper medication, effective meal planning, regular exercise, and use of a blood glucose meter to track your numbers routinely can all help you keep your levels within a healthy range. The ADA recommends blood glucose be 80 to 130 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) before meals, and below 180 mg/dL two hours after the start of a meal. Furthermore, the organization recommends getting an A1C test, which measures your average blood glucose over the past two to three  months, at least twice per year if your levels are stable and you are meeting treatment goals.
    Learning how different habits can cause your blood sugar to fluctuate can help you better predict how your levels will swing. You may be more likely to experience hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar if you have advanced-stage diabetes, according to the ADA. Meanwhile, high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, may be caused by factors such as not using enough insulin or other diabetes medication, not following a proper diabetes diet, not exercising enough, or taking certain medications like steroids. Both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia can lead to serious health consequences, according to the ADA: High blood sugar may cause nausea, vomiting, or shortness of breath, while low blood sugar may cause confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, seizures, unconsciousness, or even death.
    Managing the factors that can influence high or low blood sugar can be a balancing act, and still, some things — like underlying illnesses, hot weather, and unexpected stressful situations, which may all impact your readings — are out of your control. Even if you keep careful tabs on what you eat and take your medication conscientiously, you will inevitably see fluctuations in your day-to-day levels.
    Nonetheless, you can educate yourself on some of the lesser-known factors that can influence blood sugar and adjust accordingly. Read on to learn about a handful of them.
  • 2 / 11   Artificial Sweeteners May Alter Blood Sugar Response

    Artificial Sweeteners May Alter Blood Sugar Response
    Many people with diabetes reach for diet drinks as a substitute for regular soda or juice because they assume that sugar-free beverages won't raise their blood sugar. But artificial sweeteners may not be completely neutral after all, according to a study published in September 2013 in Diabetes Care. When 17 obese, non-insulin-resistant people sipped a beverage sweetened with sucralose (available as Splenda) before taking a standardized dose of glucose, their blood sugar and insulin peaked at higher levels than when they drank plain water. However, the research isn't definitive — other studies have found that artificial sweeteners have no effect on blood sugar. "If you drink a lot of diet soda then you might want to cut back and see if it has an impact on your blood glucose," says Patty Bonsignore, RN, a certified diabetes educator at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston. But you'll want to switch to healthier alternatives like water or seltzer, not regular soda, which is far worse than diet drinks.
  • 3 / 11   Dehydration Drives Up Blood Sugar

    Dehydration Drives Up Blood Sugar
    Can dehydration cause high blood sugar? Yes, and it turns out, the two are more related than you may realize: Falling short on fluids can lead to hyperglycemia, as the sugar in your circulation becomes more concentrated, and high blood sugar can cause you to urinate more, resulting in dehydration. People with diabetes should be especially vigilant about drinking plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages throughout the day to stay hydrated and healthy. "The old rule of eight cups of liquid per day serves most people fairly well," says Lisa McDermott, RD, CDE, of the University of Pittsburgh. However, people who are larger in size or highly active have greater fluid needs. If you find plain H2O hard to swallow, try garnishing your glass with a few citrus wedges, frozen berries, cucumber slices, or fresh mint leaves. Unsweetened iced herbal teas, such as raspberry, cherry, or peach varieties are also wonderfully refreshing — and naturally caffeine-free.
  • 4 / 11   Some Medications Meddle With Diabetes Control

    Some Medications Meddle With Diabetes Control
    The prescription and over-the-counter medications you take to treat health problems besides diabetes can monkey with blood sugar levels. One example is steroids (used to treat inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disorders, and asthma), which can cause blood sugar to shoot up dramatically. Birth control pills, certain antidepressants and antipsychotics, some diuretics, and nasal decongestants may also cause higher-than-normal readings, while other drugs may lower blood sugar or make it more difficult to recognize signs of hypoglycemia.
    Consult with your pharmacist before taking any new medications, prescription or not, says McDermott. Ask whether these products will interfere with diabetes management or interact with any other meds you're taking.
  • 5 / 11   Watch Out for the Infamous ‘Dawn Phenomenon’

    Watch Out for the Infamous ‘Dawn Phenomenon’
    It's not uncommon to wake up to a high blood sugar reading, even if your number was in the green zone when you went to bed. You may be experiencing the "dawn phenomenon," which occurs when the body preps for waking up by releasing growth and other hormones, around 3 or 4 a.m. These hormones make the body less sensitive to insulin, and in people with diabetes, can contribute to a morning blood sugar spike. Alternatively, you may start the day with a low glucose level if, for example, you're taking too much insulin or medication at night or not eating enough in the evening. If you see a trend in your morning readings — or they're highly erratic from day to day — you'll want to work with your doctor or diabetes educator to identify the problem so you can take steps to correct it, says Bonsignore.
  • 6 / 11   Women's Menstrual Cycles Can Affect Blood Sugar

    Women's Menstrual Cycles Can Affect Blood Sugar
    As if cramping, bloating, and mood swings aren't bad enough, hormonal changes during a woman's premenstrual period can cause her blood sugars to get a little out of whack. While the effect varies from person to person, some women with diabetes become less sensitive to insulin during the week or so leading up to their period, which can translate into above-normal sugar levels. Readings typically return to normal once menstruation begins. If you notice that your blood sugar consistently runs high the week before your period, it may help to trim back the amount of carbohydrates you're eating during that time or squeeze in some extra exercise, says McDermott. (Just be sure to track your cycle and blood sugar levels closely to be certain this is the cause.) If you're taking insulin, speak with your doctor or diabetes educator about possibly adjusting your medication to compensate for hormonal changes.
  • 7 / 11   Sleep Can Throw Blood Sugar Out of Whack

    Sleep Can Throw Blood Sugar Out of Whack
    Restless nights hurt more than your mood and energy — they may also spell trouble for your blood sugarA review published in December 2015 in Diabetes Therapy concluded that a lack of sleep may increase your risk of developing diabetes and imperil glucose control and insulin sensitivity if you already have the disease.
    "Sleep is restorative," Bonsignore says. "Not getting enough sleep is a form of chronic stress on the body, and anytime you have added stress, you're going to have higher blood sugar levels." Getting into a consistent sleep routine will improve your overall health, and you may see a subtle improvement in blood sugar as well.
    To help offset these risks, aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night, per recommendations from the National Sleep Foundation.
  • 8 / 11   Extreme Weather Can Hinder Diabetes Management

    Extreme Weather Can Hinder Diabetes Management
    Whether it's swelteringly hot or bitterly cold outside, extreme temperatures can interfere with diabetes control. People with diabetes vary in the way their body responds to heat, Bonsignore says. Some may see their blood sugar creep up on really hot days because the unpleasant conditions put extra stress on their system; others, particularly those taking insulin, may experience the opposite effect. High temperatures cause blood vessels to dilate, which can enhance insulin absorption and potentially lead to low blood sugar. Try to stay indoors during the hottest part of the day, and monitor your blood sugar closely for changes when the mercury starts to rise.
  • 9 / 11   Traveling Can Disrupt Routines, and Thus Sugars

    Traveling Can Disrupt Routines, and Thus Sugars
    Skipping a few time zones during a long flight throws almost everyone off, but it's an even bigger concern for people with diabetes. The time change can disrupt your medication schedule and cause unusual eating and sleeping habits, which interfere with blood sugar control. On top of that, you may eat more, drink more alcohol, or be more active while you're on vacation — all factors that affect your diabetes. McDermott advises checking your blood sugar more frequently while traveling to catch any concerning trends before they become serious problems. She also recommends packing healthy snacks, like a mix of nuts and dried fruit, as well as a refillable water bottle to help you stay hydrated. If you take insulin and you're shifting time zones, be sure to work out a medication schedule with your diabetes care team before your trip so you don't mistime any doses.
  • 10 / 11   Too Much Caffeine Can Give Blood Sugar a Jolt

    Too Much Caffeine Can Give Blood Sugar a Jolt
    How much caffeine is safe if you’re at risk of diabetes or already have the disease is murky. While some research, like a review study published in June 2016 in the European Journal of Nutrition, found that healthy, regular coffee drinkers who consumed three to four cups of coffee per day saw a reduced risk of developing type 2, earlier research suggests that consuming too much caffeine may cause blood sugar levels to spike in those who already have the disease.
    According to the Mayo Clinic, while consuming up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine per day is safe for most people, in those with diabetes, the substance can affect how insulin behaves, leading to low or high blood sugar. You may notice blood sugar swings after drinking only two 8-ounce plain cups of brewed coffee.
    The important thing to know is that everybody is different, and it’s important to monitor your blood glucose to observe how caffeine affects you. If you're a heavy consumer of caffeinated beverages, which include diet cola as well as coffee and tea, consider cutting back to see if your glucose control improves, says Bonsignore.
  • 11 / 11   Blood Sugar Testing Mistakes May Cause Inaccurate Readings

    Blood Sugar Testing Mistakes May Cause Inaccurate Readings
    If you don't remember to wash your hands before checking your blood sugar, you may experience a false alarm. Testing after handling food can produce an erroneously high reading because sugar residues on the skin can contaminate the blood sample, research shows. Today's blood sugar meters are highly sensitive because they use a very tiny draw of blood, which means it can be easy to throw off the glucose concentration in the sample. If you can't get to a sink to give your hands a good scrub, you can improve testing accuracy by using the second drop of blood after wiping away the first. Avoid other common blood sugar testing mistakes to ensure your reading is accurate.

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